Empowering families to lead a holistic life!
Hey there! I am Nicole Pavlik. Founder of Goodness Grover PMA. Wife and homeschooling mom of 7! I am also a holistic registered nurse, a research nerd and a natural health geek. I went from suffering from chronic illness and autoimmune disease to having vibrant health. I created Goodness Grover PMA so I can teach people like you, all the tips I’ve learned along the way. My mission is to empower you with information on healthy living so that you can take care of yourself, your family and your friends naturally. I want to help you because I remember being where you might be today. But first, I am sure you want to hear my story. I will briefly tell you my journey and how I can help you on yours.
As a little girl I always wanted to become a nurse to help people.
As an adult, my husband encouraged me to follow my dreams and go to nursing school. I had no idea what I was in for but I began.
All of my life, I struggled and did not feel well. I thought it was normal to feel lousy. Then I started to think, “This can not be what healthy feels like.”
I began to experience symptoms of fatigue, pain, hair loss, I was freezing cold, constipated and my skin was dry. My stomach would bloat if I took one bite of food and my hands and face were swollen and puffy.
I began to go from doctor to doctor, to find what was wrong with me. I was repeatedly told I was “fine.” I started to wonder if I was a hypochondriac.
Meanwhile, I was still in nursing school and raising three children. I was also working overnight as a CNA and receptionist in the evening when I was not at school. I was burning the candle at both ends.
Nursing school and becoming a nurse was NOT what I had thought it would be. I loved caring for people. I worked with the elderly and made beautiful friends. However, something was amiss for me with modern medicine. I knew there had to be a better way.
I was later finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism. My numbers were off the charts and the doctor was surprised I was even standing in his office. My thyroid problem was the start of my natural health journey.
I then began to also experience Lupus flares. I would get a butterfly rash across my face and my hands and fingers would swell. I would experience the pain all over and I would be fatigued.
I then had my fourth child who experienced a reaction to his shots and then who had his own health struggles like eczema, acid reflux, anaphylactic peanut allergies, a rare pyogenic granuloma, and a rare autoimmune disorder called Henoch–Schonlein purpura. I was also later diagnosed with food sensitivities, nutrient deficiencies, MTHFR, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and more in addition to the Hashimoto's and Lupus.
As my family began to accumulate diagnoses, I realized I had to make a change. As we battled our illnesses we were further led towards natural health.
And then slowly our lives changed. I was able to find true health. I learned that we are made beautifully and whole and that we can heal. We just need to provide our bodies with what they need to do their jobs. We also need to not bombard them with toxins.
With my educational background, my love for researching and reading and with my personal experiences, I can help you. I can get you started on your health journey. It is rewarding to know you can be healthy and guide your friends and family to health too!
In order for me to best be able to serve you, you can head on over to our pricing and plans page to join our private membership association. If you are unsure what a PMA is, you can click the about PMA button below to learn more now.
If you are curious to learn more about what we offer to our members, you can click the what we offer button below.
No matter where you are in your journey, I believe I can help you. Are you ready to take charge of your health today? I am ready to help empower you on this journey and look forward to seeing you join our PMA!