I am finally doing it. I am writing my first blog post. It was a long time coming. I am Nicole Pavlik. A woman who has been through some health struggles and went on a natural healing journey. Someone who has always wanted to help others. A registered nurse who went holistic. A believer in God. A wife to my best friend. A homeschooling mom to seven amazing kids! Daughter to “Grover”, one of the most fun loving men to ever live on this Earth!
You see, it was always in my heart to help people. To become a mom of so many children. To be a loving wife. To take care of others and become a nurse. And I was doing it. But something was off. I knew there was a better way. So I was led down this path; this holistic world, where doors opened up and I began to find ways to help others the way I wanted to. But I wanted to expand that. I wanted to start a business. But I just did not. Maybe I was fearful? Maybe I did not know how to start? Maybe I was making excuses? Maybe I thought there would be time to do it later in life.
Then in December of 2020, my fun loving dad tragically died. Let me take you back a minute. Growing up, my dad was my hero. He was always the one there for me. He always had my back. He was not a deep kind of guy. But man he knew how to love. He knew how to laugh. He knew how to have fun. He knew how to LIVE. He lived everyday being kind to others, making people laugh and just letting things roll off his back. He was the guy you wanted to be around. Everyone who knew him loved him. He was everyone’s friend. He was my dad. He was Grandpa Jim to my kids. He was life.
When my dad was sick with a cold or a flu, he always would come to me for advice. He was the best patient and took all the supplements I gave him. I would cook him some chicken soup and try to help him avoid the fever reducers. He was always a gardener and bragged to me the year he started going organic. One summer he was very sick on and off with fevers and flu like symptoms and we never did find out why. Yet I nursed him back to health the way I knew how. He followed up with his doctor a few months later and called me to brag again! He said, “My doctor said I have the best damn vitamin D levels he has ever seen a 62 year old man to have!” He was fit. He was a hardworking Carpenter. He loved to hunt and fish. He enjoyed playing with the grandkids. He was supposed to live longer. He was supposed to come build a house in my backyard and retire there. I was supposed to take care of him in his old age. I was his backup plan in life and I was more than happy to be.
When I got the news I was in disbelief. My mind raced. How can I help him? He was in an accident they said. My mind wondered how bad of condition he was in. Could I go advocate for him in the hospital? Where is he now? I was told in the morgue. Silence. My mind shattered into a millions pieces of glass as I sobbed and begged my sister to tell me this was not true. How was I going to take care of him? I was supposed to take care of him! It was too late. He was gone. There was nothing I could do to help him.
I write this in here not to sadden your hearts. I write today to inspire your hearts. You see, my dad died happy. He visited us on Thanksgiving and we spent time talking and having fun and critiquing my food! He left hugging us and kissing us and we said I love you. That was my last day with my dad. In December, he spent a lot of time with his friend and their family. This family was very close to him. The friend like a brother. The children like his own grandchildren. He ate dinner with them that day. They went out for a ride on UTV’s. That is when the UTV hit the lake. My dad could not get out. He died on the spot.
The other members got out. Their lives were spared. My dad would have wanted this. He would not want to see children hurt. Or his best friend. My dad lost his life that day. But he died living. He died doing what he loved. He died happy. He died surrounded by friends. He died knowing I loved him and that he was loved by many. No I will not care for him when he is old. But he lived. His life meant something. He was my biggest believer and supporter. He always encouraged me to follow my dreams.
So my friends, the moral of this story is simple. Life is short. We never know when our last moments on this earth will be. So let us love! Let us Live! Let us be who we are meant to be on this Earth. Let us do what we are meant to do. In my heart, I know I was called to help others. To share my journey. So here I am. At your service. This is how Goodness Grover

began. A tribute to my dad. A reminder to follow my dreams. An opportunity to share with others the knowledge I have been gaining over the years to be able to help YOU! So are you ready to go on this journey with me?
To learn a little more about my story and the intention of this website please read "My Story" page by clicking the button below.
Once Goodness Grover was thought of, I had set a goal. I was going to create a blog to help others. I was going to launch it by his birthday which was Feb. 14, 2021. That date came and went. I felt like I let him down. Yet I continued to build my community and grow my knowledge. I created social media groups. My husband, being a tea lover with me, came up with the idea of organic teas. So I created beautiful and healing delicious tea blends! I started to learn about homeopathy and help people heal with that. I started telling people about auricular therapy and ear seeds. I started networking and going to vendor shows. I enrolled in a class to become a transformative nurse coach! I am so excited to share with you all the wonderful things I have been working on. There was a reason I did not launch my website then. Maybe it was fear. Or maybe it was meant to be shared with YOU now while I have more knowledge and insight to share!
I talked with my nurse coach who said websites change every 6 months anyhow. Well, it has been 6 months since I started this new journey. She encouraged me to launch this website now. To do it even though I feel like it is incomplete. Even if it is messy or gosh forbid not PERFECT. Guess what my friends, nothing is perfect. My website will be perfectly messy, a work in progress and continuing to grow and change. Hmm, sounds like me. Sounds like life. If this sounds like you, stick around and morph with me. Take the journey with me. Cast away any fear and come along for the ride of transformation!
Blessings and Love to all of my family, friends, supporters, followers and new beings I may meet along the way!
💜Blessings to you dear Nicole! I am so glad you showed up in my life, I love your courage and motivation. I enjoyed reading the introduction to your website and was teary eyed as well, God Bless you in all your endeavors.